We believe that you, just like us, really love people and provide great service. You're eager to please and are very solution oriented. Your task is to book and assist the guests who contact us via mail, phone or online forms, to give them the real Boulebar experience with perfect gravel, music, french food and drinks. In the role of booker, you're the link between the guests and the team at our Boulebars.

Here we have listed qualities and experiences that are important for us to be comfortable together:

- You are outgoing and social

- You have a technical mindset and like to learn new systems

- You have worked in a restaurant or other hospitality businesses before. 

- You like to talk on the phone and to communicate in text, in Danish and English.


It is advantageous if you:

- Have worked in sales

- Understand Swedish

- Enjoy learning new things

We offer an exciting workplace with lots of joy and care. Together, we work every day to develop and offer our guests a unique experience.

Terms of employment: Monday - Friday

Where: at Boulebar's office in the city centre of Copenhagen

Form of employment: full time / part time

If you recognize yourself in the description, submit your application today to [email protected]. The selection takes place continuously. We look forward to hearing from you!

About us

We offer an exciting workplace with lots of joy and care. Just like society, Boulebar faces an exciting year. We now have approximately 150 employees at twelve Boulebars in Sweden, Denmark and Great Britain. And the journey has only just begun. Some would probably call us geeks. But the whole thing is about love for people. Between us in the company and to everyone who visits us. The company's core values ​​have followed since the start in 2000 and permeate the entire operation. Boulebar is based on joy, curiosity and adventure. Or as we say ourselves: freedom, community and a glass of Pastis. Read more about us here.